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PIN and Welcome BBQ
Thank you for braving the impending weather to attend our PIN and Welcome BBQ. The evening was our most attended event in recent years and it was particularly rewarding to see new families meeting members of our community. The Community Council will be evaluating the evening at our meeting next week so if you have any feedback please pass it on to a member of the council or the front office.
Community Council - Events Working Party
We are pleased to announce that Shelle Rose, mum to Mitchell and Brianna, has volunteered to lead our Events Working Party. The Events Working Party has been created by our Community Council to ensure our events are prepared and run to the aspirations of our community. Shelle would love to have a team of parents supporting her in this role so please reach out to the school or Shelle if you are interested in helping her with this important initiative.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our first Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 1-6 will be held in two weeks on 3 and 4 March. This interview is an opportunity to touch base with our child's teacher about their commencement to the year and to ask any clarifying questions. The teachers will also be able to give you feedback on your child's diagnostic assessments and how they are being centred in learning during class. Bookings will open on Compass at the end of this week. There will no be scheduled Kindergarten interviews due to these taking place during the Kindergarten Rest Days.
School Fees
Fees will be processed from 20 February. Families should receive statements within 2 business days. We would like to remind you that the preference is for payment via bpay due to additional Compass Fees charged to the school when paying through the Compass app. If you have any concerns regarding fees please reach out to the front office.
Working Bee - Save the Date
Our annual School and Parish Working Bee will be held on Saturday March 15 from 9:00-11:00am. The Working Bee is a great opportunity to refresh our garden space, meet new families and build community spirit. If you are available, we would ask you to complete the RSVP HERE so that roles can be assigned and catering organised.
Compass Technical Difficulties with Emails
It has come to our attention that there has been emails sent to staff through Compass that have not been received by the intended recipient. The team at Catholic Education believe this may be a glitch in the email filtering for cyber security. If you have sent an email to one of our staff through Compass and not received a response we would ask that you email them directly or contact the front office to notify us. Staff commit to responding to emails within 48 business hours.
Below is a parent brochure for NAPLAN 2025. NAPLAN will be completed by our Years 3 and 5 students commencing 12 March 2025. All dates and times of tests can be found in our school calendar on the website or in Compass. Please contact Gwen Tarleton at if you would like further information about the testing or wish to withdraw your child from NAPLAN.
Parent Contact Updates
The beginning of the year is often a time of change for many households and with this comes a change of preferred parent contact. This could be a change of phone number or a policy in the office that involves no personal devices at work. If you are unable to receive phone calls to your mobile at work we would ask you to update Compass with your business phone number and contact the front office so that a note can be made on your child's file. Whilst the school is happy to email parents who are unable to have their mobile's at work it is imperative that we have a phone number to contact you on for emergencies.
2025 Residential Address Collection Notice
Please find attached:
Luke Donnelly
Congratulations to the following students who will be presented with a certificate which reflects an affirmation from their teacher. These affirmations will highlight their applications to their learning as well as affirm how they have been a person of Wisdom, Courage, and Peace. Affirmations will be handed out at 8.50am on Friday morning. Parents are welcome to attend. |
Week 3 | Centred in Learning | Centred in Faith |
Kindergarten | Jisol Park | Krizandrie Nel |
Year One | Poppy Moloney | Marcus Cooper |
Year Two | Jacob Parappilly | Eleanor Fox |
Year Three/Four Green | Billie-Joe Kain | Solomona Uelese |
Year Three/Four White | Milana Cummins | Olivia Wall |
Year Five/Six Green | Shaleigha Degioannis | Annabelle Fenton |
Year Five/Six White | Kathrine Wild | Archie Reimers |
Principal's Affirmation | Annabelle Brown | Imogen Groenewoud |
Principal's Affirmation | Billie - Joe Kain | George Crowther |
Friday 7 March 8.50am | Centred in Learning Gathering |
Monday 10 March | Canberra Day - Public Holiday |
Saturday 15 March 9.00am to 11.00am | Working Bee |
Friday 21 March 11.30am | Grandparents Day |
Thursday 10 April | School Photos |
This term in PE we are focusing on gross motor movements within the lower primary classes and invasions games and collaboration skills in middle and upper primary.
Opening School Mass
This Friday we will be attending our Opening School Mass in our Church at 11:45am, all families are welcome to join us in this special occasion. We will here about our Gospel scripture for this term Luke 19:1-10 and share prayers for the world, our school and our community.
Project Compassion
Next Friday 3/4G will launch our Project Compassion Fundraiser for Caritas. This Fundraiser is held throughout the liturgical season of Lent and funds go towards a variety of global projects around the world that support the less fortunate. Collection boxes will be sent home next week as well as kept on the prayer table in each classroom. For more information you can visit:
Youth Group
The St Thomas More's Parish Youth Group will commence later in the term, with our Youth Minister Zane visiting classes in Week 5 to introduce himself and let students know about the opportunity to attend the youth group this year.
Child Safeguarding
The ThinkUKnow website ( has a range of resources and information to support parents when making decisions surrounding their child's safety online.
Skye McPadden
Religious Education Coordinator
St Thomas More's Primary School
Campbell ACT
Flippin’ FUN is on the menu at TeamKids! ?
Pancake day is coming up and we’re STACKING up the sweetness! ???
Join us for a DELICIOUSLY good time ?