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It was a wonderful day at Queanbeyan Pool for our Annual Swimming Carnival. Thank you to Gwen Tarleton, the 5/6 team and all our incredible volunteers and staff for making it such a memorable day.
Here are the reminders for the week ahead:
- Community Council - Events Working Party - Positions still available. Contact the front office for more details.
- Parent Teacher Interviews - Bookings now open in Compass.
- Working Bee 15 March 9:00am-11:00am - complete the RSVP HERE so that roles can be assigned and catering organised.
- Morning Drop Off - Please ensure your child is at school by 8:45am. We would ask parents to farewell their child before they line up for morning gathering. Parents are welcome to stay for morning gathering and can wave to their child as they walk to their class.
- NAPLAN - contact Gwen Tarleton at if you would like further information about the testing or wish to withdraw your child from NAPLAN.
- Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Save the date - Friday 21 March from 11:30am - 1:30pm.
- Kindergarten Fulltime Next Week - Our final rest day for Kindergarten was held today. The children will have their first full week next week.
Luke Donnelly
5/6 White recently combined with 5/6 Green to complete a workshop on what makes a great leader. Together with Mrs Vanzwol, we looked at qualities and values that a good leader possesses and how we can combine our best qualities with our peers to create positive teams.

On Monday 24 February in Defence Club we honoured War Animal Day by learning about some of the different animals used in war. We learnt about the jobs that the Camel, Horse, Dog, Pigeon and Donkey did to help our service men and women in wartime. We made purple poppies in honour of them and took a moment to spare a thought for the four-legged and winged hero's that fought and died alongside our troops.