Parents are always welcome to visit St Thomas More's to speak with the Principal or teachers. 
When free and open communication is maintained, any perceived problems are more readily resolved.

For practical reasons it is essential that an appointment be made for all such meetings except in an emergency.
The Office Manager can arrange an appointment with the Principal or Assistant Principal. 

Appointments to see a child's teachers should be made out of teaching hours, and can be done via email.


Ongoing communication between parents and teachers is essential in providing the best education for our students.

This is achieved by following the structure outlined below

Term 1

Early Term 1

Parent Information Evening+ Information handout

Each class teacher prepares an overview of the forthcoming year for his/her class. Items that are included are:

  • Curriculum Content Overviews
  • Homework policy
  • Request for parent helpers/volunteers if required
  • Class library day, computer etc.
  • School Expectations

Late Term 1

School Expectations Interim Report
Parent/Teacher Interviews to collect interim report and discuss how your child has settled into the school routine, relates with their peers and identify any parental concerns.

Term 2

Week 3/4

NAPLAN for Yr 3 & 5

Mid to Late Term 2

Open Classrooms

Late Term 2

Semester 1 School Report

Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 3

Mid Term 3

NAPLAN results for Yr 3 & 5

As required

Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 4

Late Term 4

Semester 2 School Report

Parent Teacher Interviews as required



St Thomas More's Primary School Campbell
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Education Ltd ABN 60 675 797 734