Yearly Timetable

Term 1

Early Term 1 Parent Information Evening+ Information handout
Early Term 1

Each class teacher prepares an overview of the forthcoming year for his/her class. Items that are included are:

  • Curriculum Content Overviews
  • Homework policy
  • Request for parent helpers/volunteers if required
  • Class library day, The Arts, etc.
  • School Expectations
Mid Term 1 NAPLAN for Yr 3 & 5
Late Term 1 Parent/Teacher Interviews to discuss how your child has settled into the school routine, relates with their peers and identify any parental concerns.

Term 2

Late Term 2 Semester 1 School Report
Late Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 3

Mid Term 3 NAPLAN results for Yr 3 & 5
As Required Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 4

Late Term 4 Semester 2 School Report
Late Term 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews

St Thomas More's Primary School Campbell
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Education Ltd ABN 60 675 797 734